Welcome to Project Life 2012! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to new baby Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.
I am using the digital Cobalt kit, find it at http://www.beckyhiggins.com/blog/2011/10/new-product-has-arrived/ This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 at http://scraplifterdesigns.blogspot.com/p/project-life-layouts.html
And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):
Sunday - We gave Maddie peanut butter on crackers for the first time today. She liked it, although I don't think she was so keen on the stickiness. She didn't have any sort of reaction, which thrilled me! Yes, this is our little monkey climbing into the dishwasher. She will climb ANYTHING! We also put in the earrings that her brother, Adam, gave her for her birthday. They are so cute, but she immediately lost one (which we thankfully later found) so back in her original ones go!

Monday - I came home today to find Nana Hooters tied to Maddie and Maddie dragging her all over the house. Yes, my DH is a little boy himself! Maddie is really standing a lot on her own and balancing, even one step once in awhile, as seen in this photo; but still no walking. I also learned that my layout of Maddie was a Gallery Gem this week over at Scrapbook Challenges. I have been posting a lot of layouts and participating in a lot of challenges the past couple of weeks. I was also a featured photo twice at Let's Scrap and have won scrappy goodies from the Paper Girls, Scrapping Everyday Miracles, and Apron Strings! How cool is that? Talk about inspiration. I can't wait to receive my goodies and use them for another creation.
Tuesday - Our bushes in the front are flowering beautifully.
Wednesday - Our liittle monkey found the step stool. I was using it to reach a cricut cartridge in my scrap room and she was trying to pull me off it so she could climb it. When I wouldn't come down, she tried to climb up it with me still on it! She is so silly. She was mighty proud of herself when she go to the top.

Thursday - silly girl in her playroom. Yes that is a shape in her mouth....yes, the entire shape. She has inherited her mother's large mouth. Also, she loves her alpha mat. We can ask her to find almost any animal on it and she will search diligently and then show us where it is. She also loves to tear it apart.
Friday - Juan has become addicted to Legos. After not working for a couple of months, he is craving anything related to puzzles and building. Maddie still puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Today it was a toy sword and a wooden elephant that Daddy bought her at the DMA. She also has taken a liking to Go-Gurts. They are a great snack.

Saturday - We took Maddie to Celina's Big Orange Pumpkin Patch. We actually let her lose in the patch, which we never do and she had a blast. She eats everything, so we are always afraid she will each the grass or the dirt. Well, she did eat dirt, twice; but for the most part so just explored and checked out the pumpkins. There was also a hay maze, a hayride, a petting zoo, hot dogs, and so much more. It was a great time. Juan put her on top of a huge hay bale and she loved it, but she thinks if she gets down "feet first" she can get off of anything! She also climbs everything possible. We weren't surprised that she climbed up the little hay bales, but when she tried to climb over the fence, we realized that she has absolutely no fear....silly girl. She is also still in her kissing phase, so of course the pumkins had to be kissed. We all had a great time!
Thanks for visiting!