Welcome to Project Life Tuesday 2011! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile. I'm Jessica and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.
Don't worry, I'm not leaving traditional scrapbooking behind. This just gives me the opportunity to focus my scrapbooking on trips and things that are important to me right now and not get all bogged down with every birthday, dinner, and holiday that comes along.
Each Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and she hosts a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the Project Lift button at the top of this post.
And finally, my POTW:
Saturday - We worked all day on Coco's room and getting her closet set up. The closet has a corner for Juan's desk and study materials and a little mini desk right next to it for Coco. Then, there is a 6' section for all of Coco's clothes and things and the far back corner is for additional storage. Mom is making us a curtain with pink and yellow fairies that will hide all of our luggage and stored items at the back of the closet. Juan is very excited about her closet and being in there with her to draw and color.
Sunday - We finally finished clearing out Coco's room today. Then we put down the rug we ordered for her play corner. It's small, but so fun. Of course, the rest of the room is empty still. Next on the list, order the furniture!
Monday - This is a shot I've been meaning to take for a long time. I've been saying for months that my stomach is lopsided. I've gotten bigger and I keep thining my lopsidedness will eventually even out; but for now....my right side is way larger than my left. Can you see it?
Tuesday - Juan brought home and cooked dinner tonight from Central Market. Salmon, veggies, rice, and croissants. Yummy and oh so appreciated.
Wednesday - Today I am officially 29 weeks pregnant! Weight - 233.8 lbs. Our baby is growing rapidly now. This week she weighs about 2-1/2 pounds, like a butternut squash, and is a tad over 15" long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is getting bigger to accommodate her growing brain - which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is hardening. With this rapid growth, it is no surprise that our baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. This week she has also become SUPER active. She moves almost constantly now and it surprises me everytime it happens. The movements are getting stronger as well.
Friday - Still preparing for the shower tomorrow. Here are the Izzy drinks that I wrapped in gingham and a baby safety pin. I also made little signs with the flavors of each bottle.
Thanks for visiting me this week. I hope you past week and upcoming week are fun and eventful!