I FINALLY got a wedding band. We have been looking for months for the perfect band to match my engagement ring. We went to Robbins Bros. once and they said they didn't have anything. We finally decided we were going to have to something custom made, but we went back one more time to Robbins Bros. to see what they had. Ryan was MUCH better than the previous sales person we had. He found just the right ring, a 3/4 carat matching the channel set of my engagement ring. He checked with the master jeweler and they said they could notch the band so that it sat flush with my engagement ring, add the grooves at the base of the diamonds to match, and thin out the band. That was Sunday. Today I was supposed to pick up my ring. I even called Ryan on Monday just to check that we were on the same page so that everything would be ready for me on Wednesday. I had to leave my engagement ring, and it killed me to be without it for three days. I went in this evening to pick it up and the ring wasn't ready. It wasn't ready because the master jeweler said they were unable to notch it because it would damage the integrity of the band. They said our only option was to have it custom made, another $400. By the way, we spent about double what we had planned; but only because it was going to be perfect. I was not happy about forking over more money. After long discussions with the manager, I decided to let them shave my engagement ring at the base to allow the rings to sit flush. They added the grooves and rounded and thinned out the band. I also demanded that I get both rings that evening. I am very happy with the way it turned out. There is still a slight gap between the rings, but I think I'll be able to live with it. If not, soldering them together is still an option and would fill the gap completely. It is a beautiful ring and more than I ever expected.
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