Welcome to Project Life Tuesday 2011! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile. I'm Jessica and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.
Don't worry, I'm not leaving traditional scrapbooking behind. This just gives me the opportunity to focus my scrapbooking on trips and things that are important to me right now and not get all bogged down with every birthday, dinner, and holiday that comes along.
Each Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and she hosts a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the Project Lift button at the top of this post.
And finally, my POTW:
Saturday - My friend, Sabrina, from Kansas, came to visit me this weekend to scrapbook. I haven't seen her since my wedding almost 2-1/2 years ago! It was so fabulous. We scrapped the entire weekend and even went to the Crafty Scrapper, our LSS.
Monday - Miriam finally came to visit our remodeled home. We grabbed some dinner and chatted for almost 4 hours! It's been way too long since we've gotten together. So glad to have spent time with her.
Tuesday - I am officially 34 weeks pregnant. I am getting HUGE! This week it has become a lot more difficult to move around, get in and out of the car, in and out of bed, and just overall waddling around. Juan keeps saying "waddle, waddle, quack, quack" everytime I walk into a room. I am really feeling like Madalynne will be arriving early. My feet swelled last Thursday and still have not went back down so now suddenly none of my shoes fit. She is also moving alot in larger movements. Her movements are visible now just by looking at my belly. Pregnancy stats: weight 246.5 lbs. I went to the dr. this week as well. Weight at Dr. office was 246.1 lbs blood pressure 120/80 so still no sign of preclampsia! Yeah, because I was worried about the swelling. My stomach is also getting very hard and tight, she is still very lop-sided to my right side. Baby update: she now weighs about 4-3/4 lbs (like an average canaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers - which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born - are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous sysem is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. Good news is babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine with no long term effects.
Wednesday - Today is our 6 year anniversary of our first date. Hard to believe so much has happened in such a short period of time. To celebrate, we took advantage of restaurant week and had lunch at the Mansion. Neither of us had been to this super fancy restaurant before and it was FABULOUS! I had an appetizer of goat cheese and zucchini. My entree was a pork meal that was delish and for desert we had an amazing chocolate cake with molten chocolate raspberry interior and raspberry ice cream. YUM!
Thursday - Juan and I took his son, Adam, to dinner tonight for restaurant week. We went to Ruth's Chris and had an AMAZING meal. My appetizer was lobster bisque, for my entree I had a petite filet with mashed potatoes, and for dessert I had banana cream pie. Everything was sooooo wonderful. The boys had martini's and wine and it was great to spend time with Adam!
Friday - Shannon came down to help thow me a baby shower this weekend. She came a day early to scrapbook and we spent most of the day at the LSS Crafty Scrappers and had lunch in Waxahachie. It was so good to see her, it has been too long. Oh, and we did manage to get a layout done!
Thanks so much for visiting me this week! I am really enjoying the photo's of the day. I am surprise that I have kept up for almost 2 years.

Wooohoooo! 34 weeks. I remember when I was pregnant I had a BIG obsession with 34 weeks, because I knew after that Mia would be OK even if she was born earlier. And I relaxed so much when I reached that date that everything went much much easier than before and the little one decided to wait until 40 weeks to come out.... too hot outside, so she was more comfy in mommy's tummy!
Happy Anniversary. You'll be holding that baby before you know it.
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