
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Project Life - Week 6

Welcome to Project Life 2013! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 1 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital kit on shutterfly (hopefully Olive once it has been released), find more info at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly Cobalt kit HERE.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Tuesday - I made Shepard's Pie for dinner. We were not too impressed with the recipe, although I was missing a couple of ingredients so who knows. Maddie LOVES taking a bath in the big bath tub. I can fill it up to the brim and she swims in it. I just can't stand how cute her little bottom is! 

Wednesday - I walked into Starbucks this morning to see my hubby sitting in one of the chairs, studying on his Ipad. ID Group didn't need him this week, so he is trying to get a bunch of things done around the house.

Thursday - Maddie and her boots, I think she inherited her mama's legs! She has also become interested in her bead puzzle lately.

Saturday - Another busy day. First Maddie and I went to a play date at Danna's with her kids, Kaitlyn and Ryan, and Janet's kiddo, Audrey. Janet is going to be induced with her third, a little girl, on Thursday. Maddie was not quite sure what to make of all the wild and crazy antics of the 3 bigger kids, but she tried to keep up. Then we came home to a play date with Joy's little girl Noel. Maddie started crying and throwing a little fit when I held Noel. I think she is getting a bit spoiled. Noel is 4 months old and quite the little cutey!

Sunday - We took Maddie to church again this week and they put her in Ms. Gerrie's class. She was waiting for Maddie. Maddie wanted no part of walking into the room, although the promise of stickers did make her pause to contemplate it. She cried a bit when we left, but when we returned, Gerrie said that she played the entire time; mostly peek-a-boo with another little girl. They even made a craft. Maddie was definitely ready to see us when we arrived, but at least she didn't cry through the entire service which was an improvement. Maddie had been trying to climb into her highchair lately. Now the only problem is that she gets stuck in this position and can't get down. It is only a 3" step, but for some reason it frightens her. Nana came over this afternoon and watched Maddie while Juan and I went to a movie, Silver Linings. It was a great movie and a nice little break for us. Maddie is still working on her last incisor and her other molar on the bottom. She seems to get them all at once. 

Monday - Daddy took Maddie for a walk and since it was cold outside, he put her in her coat and hat. Such a little sweetheart.

Thanks for visiting!

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