
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Project Life - Week 5

Welcome to Project Life 2013! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 1 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital kit on shutterfly (hopefully Olive once it has been released), find more info at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly Cobalt kit HERE.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Tuesday - Gas is $3.28 per gallon. It cost over $41 for 12-1/2 gallons to fill the CRV. That typically lasts about a week. Good thing I work so close!

Wednesday - Maddie has become obsessed with watching "Up". She likes to watch "moo" - movies; but after about 10 minutes always says...."up, up". I'm not sure why she loves this movie so much, but often she won't even watch Sesame Street, Super Why or Monkey See Monkey Do (her favorite shows). I think its the balloons!

Thursday - I gave Maddie a pringle today. She was hesitant, but then quickly finished it and asked for more. In hindsight, probably not the best thing to introduce her to.

Friday - I came home to find Maddie dressed in this crazy fashion. When I asked Juan, he said that Maddie picked it out and wanted to wear it. Hmmmm not sure I believe that one. 

Saturday - Today was busy. We went to Nana's and installed some Elfa in her washer/dryer room which she and Maddie played. They even painted with watercolors for the first time. I think Maddie was more excited to play with the cotton swabs.

Then we took Maddie to the park at Moss Haven Elementary. She was a little tentative and more interested in watching the older kids play. She did like hanging from the monkey rings, she is quite a strong little thing. We let her slide down the slide a couple of times, but she was more interested in trying to climb up them.

Then I made beef stroganoff and broccoli for dinner. Long, fun, exhausting day.

Sunday - We took Maddie to church today and she immediately went ballistic. It didn't help that about 4 other children were already crying in the room. The director talked to us and said it was better for us to just quickly leave. I explained to her that Maddie had screamed the entire service for two weeks in a row and they hadn't called us, so we stopped coming to church for about 6 weeks. This was our first week back trying again. She said that she would stay and make sure she calmed down. We came back after the service to find her sitting with Maddie in a stroller in the hall near the door eating goldfish. She said they thought we should try her in the next room up as Gerrie was more soothing with some of the little ones. Maddie was definitely glad to see us, so we let her play in the playground for a bit.

It was another very busy day. After church, Juan installed the electric fence so Dallas would stop jumping over the dog run fence. We also found Maddie inside the fireplace, yes inside it. Finally, we went to our neighbors, the Wideman's, for dinner. Their son, Henry, is just a couple months older than Maddie. When we arrived at their house and I took Maddie out of her stroller, she took off running down the sidewalk. I finally picked her up and carried her into their house and she was crying uncontrollably. I think she thought we were leaving her there. It took about 45 minutes before she calmed down and started exploring their house without hanging on to one of us. By the end of the night, she was laughing and playing with Henry, showing him how to use his animal pop-up toy. Maddie has her first molar on the bottom right.  She has one on the bottom left trying to bust through as well. Maddie has started wanting to climb the stairs alone everytime we go up. Daddy usually goes upstairs with her when we put her to bed. He started saying "boom, boom, boom" and stomping with his hands on either side of her as she climbs the stairs. She loves it and now when I tell her its time to go upstairs for bed, she yells, "Dad" "boom" and expects him to come to go up with her. It is very sweet.

Monday - Maddie LOVES snack time. Dried cranberries are one of her favorites. Daddy taught her how to give butterfly kisses and it makes her laugh hysterically. I give her eskimo kisses, and she laughs at those too. She loves her playroom and is getting very good at her puzzles and games.

Thanks for visiting!

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