
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Project Life - Week 20

Welcome to Project Life 2015! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 3 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins.

I am using a digital kit on Shutterfly. This digital version is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly - Project Life Turquoise Edition HERE and my 2013 album using the Shutterfly - Project Life Childhood - Mayfield Edition HERE I will hopefully be posting my 2014 pages soon.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week) - 

Thursday - Maddie's school had "Back to the Future" day today. They all got to go check out their class for next year. Of course Maddie already goes to the 3's class two days this year, but she still liked hearing the things they were going to get to do next year.

Saturday - Our weekly ritual of grocery shopping at Kroger. I had no idea that Maddie was taking these photos while riding in the buggy. I love the surprise photos I randomly find on my phone!  Also today we were outside in the sun and Maddie said, "Mama you need to touch my hair! I think there's something going on with it!"  Me: "There is? What?"  Maddie:  "It's really hot!"

Sunday - Ascension posted this photo of Maddie on Facebook today. I love that they take photos of the kids during their classes so we can see what they are learning. Maddie told me she was making playdough cookies.

Monday - Shannon and I picked Maddie up from school today and went to get frozen yogurt at Yummilicious and then headed to Central Market to get bread for dinner. In the meat department, one of the workers gave Maddie a cold cocktail shrimp to taste. She was a bit weary, but I told her it tasted like chicken and she tried it. She loved it and asked if she could have another one! I love that my girl will try almost anything. I also love that no matter what sort of meat we are eating for dinner (steak, hamburger, pork) she always says "yummy - chicken"!

Wednesday - School is almost out and today was Splash Day. Apparently Maddie dumped an entire bucket of water on Mrs. Jackie's head. It looks like they all had a blast. That is Maddie in the yellow/green shirt with pink hat.

Thanks for visiting!

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