
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Visiting Santa

Only 22 days until Christmas! I took Maddie to visit Santa today. On the way I asked her what she was going to tell Santa that she wanted for Christmas and she replied, "A window and a door." LOL, no idea where she go that. She was so excited and was such a good girl waiting in line (especially for a 2 year old). She wasn't scared at all, but was a bit timid when Santa was talking to her. She just nodded to his questions. He even gave her a Gingerbread Mouse book and read a bit to her. It was quite adorable.

The video is HERE

Here are a couple of pics:

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. OMG how cute is that photo and I just love her Christmas outfit. She is beautiful. I can't wait to see these photos scrapped.


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