
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Project Life - Week 25

Welcome to Project Life 2013! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 1 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital kit on shutterfly (hopefully Olive once it has been released), find more info at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly Cobalt kit HERE.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Tuesday - Another Pinterest recipe tonight and a yummy one at that! It was super simple and we will definitely be making again soon:  Summer Sizzle - Seal peppers, potatoes, zucchini and sausage in an aluminum foil pouch and grill for a quick dinner.  We used the huge squash from our garden and it was DELICIOUS!

Thursday - Today is the last day of Maddie's first week at Swim Class.  It is a Mommy & Me class taught by our neighborhood Olympic swimmer, Mrs. Jordan Benners. It is a salt water pool, so all the better for the little ones. There were four in her class, including Harris from her 2017 Kindergarten group. Also there were Benton and Hannah. The classes were for 30 minutes Mon-Thurs. Thursday was "show off" day where everyone could come to watch the kids show off what they had learned. Daddy came to see her progress and take pictures. Maddie loved every class. There were lots of little songs we sang. The first song of the day is, "Cu-cu clock, cu-cu clock, tick-tock, tick-tock. The clock strikes one, ding dong." During the first part of the song we sway the kids back and forth in the water and then when the clock strikes we lift them high in the air out of the water. There is a verse for the clock striking two and three. This is the favorite of all the songs we do for all of the kiddos. Another song is set to the song The Wheels on the Bus, "The kids in the pool go Splash splash splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, splash, the kids in the pool go splash splash splash, all around the pool." We imitate the splash with our hands and then spin the baby around for the last part. Then there is a verse for "forward and back" (which Maddie loves and always laughs at), a verse for blowing bubbles in the water, and a verse for kick, kick, kick. Her favorite was Humpty Dumpty. The kids sat on the edge while the Mommies sang the song and splashed their hand on the water.  After "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.... ready.....go" and then the kiddos jumped into the water to us. Maddie loved it and after the first day was saying "dumpy, dumpy" over and over. On the third day, when they jumped in, we let them go under water and swim to us, Maddie wasn't as keen on that so when "Humpty Dumpty" came time today, all she said was, "no, no, no, no, no." She did so great though.  They do another song, "reach and pull, reach and pull, when you're learning to swim you reach and pull". This mimics the motion of swimming with their arms. We do it while they are standing on the steps and then we support them on the their stomachs and let them practice in the water. Starting Tuesday, they also had to swim to Mommy from Mrs. Jordan once each day. The first day was just for one second. By today Maddie was up to 2 seconds without coughing or splurting. She doesn't really care to go under water, but when she does she is perfectly fine and opens her eyes and lets the water take her. It was really awesome to see her progression. She loved going everyday and really loved the "snack" that she got to pick out at the end of her session. Each day they end with a Bye Bye song in which each swimmer sits on the boogie board while Jordan turns her around the circle with everyone singing, "Bye-bye Maddie, bye-bye Maddie, bye-bye Maddie, we're glad you came to swim." Then it is the next swimmers turn. You can see the videos here and here. It was a great experience for Maddie and I'm so glad that we signed her up!

Saturday - We took Aunt Vanessa, Ashlyn and Jakob to the Perot Museum for their Members only hours today. The kids had a blast. Maddie was actually the first one ready to leave. She usually cries when we tell her that it's time to go. I guess that's a sign we've been here a lot lately. Then we all headed over to Nana's for an afternoon swimming in her new little pool. The kids had a lot of fun, but it was actually chilly in the water in the shade. They also ate popsicles, see the video here. We were at Nana's for about four hours and Maddie still cried when it was time to go. She definitely loves Nana house.

Sunday - I made cookies this evening. Maddie was determined to eat them all.

Thanks for visiting!

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