
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Project Life Tuesday - Week 19

Another week, as I try to catch up on my POTD.  Here is week 19!

Saturday - We went to Abby's to celebrate Ellie turning 2 and to see the new baby Alice.  There were a ton of kids running around and it was quite interesting to see how much our lives have all changed in the past 5 years. 

Sunday - Between the birthday party and packing up my loft and dragging it all to storage, I managed to squeeze in a couple of hours with Mom to walk around the Cottonwood Art Festival.  There was a ton of cool stuff, although definitely pricey!

Monday - A few of the remaining indoor storage boxes packed and ready to go.  It's been a really long and tiring weekend and we still have to pack the rest of the house!  What did we get ourselves into?

Tuesday - I am travelling this entire week to Overland Park, KS.  It is a terrible week to not be at home and able to pack for this weekends move.  Tonight, we had steak dinner at a great little place that almost made up for us having to travel.

Wednesday - After our first full day of DD meetings, we were starving and headed out for sushi.  Since I'm not supposed to eat raw, I ordered bento box and filled up on edamame.  No belly photo again this week, but I am 18 weeks pregnant today!  Baby is the size of a bell pepper at 5-1/2" long!  Pregnancy weight - not sure, but I feel like I've already gained a ton this week.

Thursday - I found out that our hotel is only a couple of miles away from the Cupcakery!  I have been talking to everyone about how delicious these cupcakes are.  They may even be better than Sprinkles.  This afternoon, I went and purchased a dozen for the team to try.  They were definitely a hit!

Friday - Back home today and gearing up for a crazy day of packing tomorrow.  Mom is scheduled to arrive at 4am as Juan has told the contractors that they can start demolition at noon....except, we are not packed, and our POD is not scheduled to arrive until tomorrow at noon.  This photo is actually from tomorrow as the POD was being delivered.  Crazy, chaotic day in which I was about to strangle my husband for allowing the contractors to start two days early!

More exciting news, we hit a ton of turbulence on the flight home today and I swear I felt the baby move for the first time.  It took me a while to realize what it was, but the little air bubble feeling didn't seem to go away.



  1. Heya sweetie!!!How are you!
    Hope you are very fine!!
    Lots of love.xx

  2. Good to hear from you again! Stressful
    times, take it easy and relax!!!!


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