
Monday, April 4, 2011

Project Life Tuesday - Week 13

Thanks for visiting again! Welcome to my Project Life Tuesday 2011! I'm Jessica and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving traditional scrapbooking behind. This just gives me the opportunity to focus my scrapbooking on trips and things that are important to me right now and not get all bogged down with every birthday, dinner, and holiday that comes along.

Each Tuesday, I post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and she hosts a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the Project Lift button at the top of this post.

And finally, my POTW:

Saturday - My wonderful hubby surprised me with not one but TWO bouquets of flowers.  First was pink gerber daisies for the mantle and the second was this fabulous batch of spring brightness!  How wonderful is he?  He takes such good care of me!
Sunday - This is soooo Juan! A Sunday afternoon, shirtless, soccer on in the background, flying his helicopter.  Her is such a big kid.  I also hadn't realized just how many photos I have of him with his shirt off! LOL, he sure cracks me up; but I am glad that he loves his Anniversary gift.
Monday - I was feeling nauseous today pretty strongly, so Juan made me homemade baracho beans and avocado tacos.  YUMMY.  He has been so wonderful so far during this pregnancy.  God has blessed me with a very wonderful man and I just know he is going to be a fabulous father!

Tuesday - I was feeling better today, so Shannon and I skypebooked after work! Skypebooking is scrapbooking via best thing to being there!  She was being silly with her stickles.
Wednesday - I am 12 weeks preganant today!  I'm still not really showing, although this shirt makes it look like I am.  I really need to get some better shirts! LOL Pregnancy stats: 221.7 lbs. The baby is the size of a lime and 2 inches long. I have been a little better this week, nausea wise; but still not feeling great in the afternoons. My breasts are not quite as tender as they have been and the tiredness has seemed to wane a bit although it seems to come and go.  It still doesn't seem real to me, I keep waiting for something to go wrong.  Terrible, I know, but I can't seem to help it.  Thankfully, everything seems to be tracking on corse just fine!

Thursday - Today was our 2nd official Dr. visit. Today was the "genetic testing". They did a sonogram, this one was exterior on my the baby has grown that much? At almost 13 weeks, I assumed this one would still be vaginal. The baby definitely has Juan's A.D.D. LOL, the baby was constantly rolling and the tech had a bit of a problem getting the baby in the right position. They check for a few things when the do the genetic testing. First they measured the distance of the head to neck, although I don't know how she could tell which was the neck. If it is 3 cm or less, that is a good indicator and our little peep was at 1 cm. They also check for a nasal bone, which our little alien had.....pause on alien. The tech gave us a photo of the profile, which I could totally see and one of the face....which totally looks like an alien! The eyes are like strips vertical and nothing like a baby. So from this point forward, I'm referring to our baby as the little alien. Back to the testing, they also took 5 drops of blood from my finger. The blood test tells them what is the percent likelihood that the baby could have genetic issues; but we won't find out those results for 10 days! Also, based on the last ultrasound the baby should be at 12 weeks, 5 days and the baby today measured 12 weeks, 4 days. The doctor said that she wasn't concerned about the one day difference at all and that everything was green lights and positive. The heartbeat on the sonogram was at 165 beats per minute, although we still couldn't hear it on the doppler externally. The doctor said she wasn't worried as the sonogram is a better test than the doppler and it was probably just a little too soon and we would try again next appointment. My weigh in was 223.6, only 1.5 lbs up from the appointment a month ago and I ate lunch right before my appointment so that is also good. Doc also said it was ok to stop taking the progesterone! It's just crazy thinking there is a baby inside me growing.

Friday - Tomorrow is our friend, Doug's, birthday!  We took him to lunch today at Traverna's to celebrate! Yummy!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Doug!
Hope you had a fabulous week and I hope you return next week for our continuing saga!


  1. so nice to "see" your life!!
    Have a nice day!!
    (i'm so gld you liked it ;))

  2. You're looking good..stay well!
    Alison xx

  3. Gorgeous flowers and cool shot with the helicopter. I really like the dr visit photo too--very creative shot.


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