
Thursday, February 24, 2011

2011.02.24 God Granted a Miracle!

We went in this morning for our sonogram, expecting the worse.  It was almost confirmed.  The technician couldn't find a fetus.  I knew something was wrong and asked her if it was a fake pregnancy and if there was nothing there.  She said I have an enlarged uterus so it was hard to locate anything in the sac.  Pretty soon she realized there were two sacs!  Yes twins.  Apparently one never fully developed and appears to possibly be the reason for my bleeding.  The second sac has a fetus that is tracking perfectly at 7weeks 5 days!  We could see the heartbeat, too at 142 bpm.  It was amazing and we were in shock.  The rest of my exam went great and everything appears to be perfectly normal for the little one that is viable!  The doc wants me to stay off my feet for a couple of days to make sure the bleeding has stopped, but it appears we may be ok!  I prayed and prayed for a miracle and God answered my prayers.  We are sad for the loss of the twin, but are so thankful that there is still one hanging in there.  Thank everyone for your kind words and prayers!  I am here to tell you that they worked.  God heard them and answered them!  We are beyond blessed.


  1. I am so happy for you! I am holding back tears as I am sure you are too. Will continue to pray for the little soul who is hanging on :)

  2. Wow,i'm so happy for you!!
    Take care!!!
    And sure i want to scrap a wedding picture for you....sent me on thru like fun to me...
    (i will scrap it on a small format and send it to please mail me your adress too...)
    spoil yourself and take care (yes again)

  3. Oh this makes me so happy to hear!! I really dont know you, but any success story truly thrills me. I am so excited for you. Take care and enjoy every second of it!

  4. oh this is happy news :) I am so happy for you both Jessica!! :) :)
    Take good care of yourself :)
    Much love,
    Nat xoxox

  5. Oh congrats girlie!!!! This is such great news!!!!! I have miscarried before, and I know what it feels like when you start spotting and you wait for the sonogram... Keep positive and smile :)

    BTW, I have a 17 month old now, and am preggers again now! Almost 19 weeks now :)

  6. What wonderful news. Sorry about your other miracle baby, but I am so happy you are going to be a mommy to one lucky baby :)

  7. What a wonderful news !!! Enjoy your pregnancy !! And thanks for leaving such sweet comment on my blog :-)


  8. yes a miracle ( and some rain for the baby who didn;t make it)and just be careful not to overdo this first trimester! DO WHAT the doc orders!!!


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