
Saturday, March 27, 2010

03.27.10 Dallas Blooms

We went to the Arboretum today to see "Dallas Blooms" in all its glory.  It was a beautiful day, sunny and 74 degrees!  The tulips are blooming and the entire park smelled wonderful.

Here are a few more of my favorite photos from today.

03.26.10 Park

It was Round-Up at our office today.  Juan came after and helped us finish off the left over beer.  Then we met our friends, Jim and Sarah, at Park for dinner and drinks.  This particular drink was called a "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha".  It was a good night.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anniversary Card

This card I made for my husband for our 1st year anniversary.  I wrote all of the reasons I love him on the little tags. 

03.25.10 Necklace

Juan and I had a small argument last night over our families and he hurt my feelings.  Today, when I arrived home from work, he had a gift waiting for me to apologize.  It was an adorable necklace that was handmade by a co-worker of his.  What a sweet, sweet man!  He is just too good to me. 

03.24.10 Rain Rain Go Away

It poured cats and dogs this evening.  When, oh when, is Spring going to arrive?

03.23.10 Downtown Dallas

Tonight was another theater ticket evening; we saw "Fat Pig".  It was really good and Juan said it was his favorite so far this season.  There is actually a trilogy of plays called the Beauty Plays.  Our season tickets only included one show, but we enjoyed it so much that we are going to purchase the other two separately.  I highly recommend.  Prior to the show as we were walking to the theater from dinner, I asked Juan to stop and was able to frame him in front of the downtown Dallas skyline.

03.22.10 1st Anniversary

Today was our 1st year wedding anniversary.  This first year has flown by.  It seems like it was only a couple of months ago that I was walking down the aisle.  We have been blissfully happy this year and I only pray that our closeness continues to grow.  We do still have wedding cake in the freezer, believe it or not, but we received a free anniversary cake from Delicious we got to celebrate with a little sweet goodness as well as a delicious lunch at Al Biernets.  I love you Juan!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Birthday Cards

I seemed to have a whole bunch of birthdays coming up, so I created about a dozen birthday cards a couple of weeks ago.  I used a Close to my heart kit and then jazzed them up a bit with stickles, pop-dots, ribbon, staples, etc.

03.21.10 Snow Again

We awoke this morning to between 6-8" of snow, again.  They predicted flurries yesterday, but I never dreamed we would see this much white stuff in March!  That is just crazy nuts, but I'm sure it will be gone tomorrow.

A couple more shots.

Spring is Here - NOT!

I was so excited Friday afternoon because I noticed that our little front patio garden was beginning to show signs of Spring with little green buds.  I woke up this morning to find these same little green buds completely covered in about 6" of snow!  This is DALLAS, TX......for goodness sakes.  This time last year I was in a strapless gowns out on lawn getting married in the beautiful afternoon sun with green grass everywhere....come back Spring.

03.20.10 Taxes Done!

I have never waited this long to do our taxes.  I guess I knew that filing jointly was not going to produce the refund we are used to and I have been dreading the 6 hour process.  Yeah, it was six full hours, of course that is because that while I save everything.....I save it took a couple of hours just to get all the receipts accounted for and organized.  I was right, we got less than 1/2 together that we got total filing separately last year.  What is wrong with this country that marriage is a penalty?

Friday, March 19, 2010

03.19.10 Brakes Cost Money

My car is way past due for an oil change.  I hate taking my car in, because they always find something wrong with it.  Today was no exception.  I needed new front brakes.  Apparently I haven't replaced my brakes since 2006, almost 50,000 miles ago and they were overdue.  So I sucked it up, and had the work done....OUCH.

03.18.10 Juan's Ouchy Grows

Juan has had an ouchy on his hand for weeks.  It looked to be dried skin and I kept telling him to use lotion.  Last night he was complaining about it again and I noticed it was growing significantly.  I talked him into going to the doctor today by telling him it looked like shingles.  Apparently it is a viral infection that kids get and it tends to spread.  The doctor gave him antibiotics and I have been teasing him about his VD!

03.17.10 Crazy Bread

I was still feeling miserable today and have not ate much at all in the past couple of days.  The only thing that sounded good was crazy bread from Little Casears Pizza....ahhh the memories of college days.

03.16.10 "Weeds" Season 3 & 4

I'm a sucker for series shows.  Shannon introduced us to the show "Weeds" this past weekend and we watched all of Season 1 & 2 and part of 3.  Today I felt even more miserable, so after a visit to the doctor and the pharmacy to pick up medication, I stopped at blockbuster and rented the rest of season 3 and 4.  I spent the day in bed watching them all and napping off and on. 

03.15.10 Scrappin Supplies

I returned from Wichita in the full throws of sickness.  I thought my allergies were acting up, but each day I felt worse and worse.  When I arrived home, I literally dumped all of my supplies on the living room floor and headed to bed.  Not even my little accessory bags made it back to their home.

03.14.10 Crazy Scrappers

Shannon is going to kill me for posting this picture...but it epitomizes our scrapbooking makeup...jammies.....t-shirts.....tables piled high with scrapbooking supplies....pages partially complete..... and all of us sharing tables.  You can't see much of Shannon's scrapbook room, but it rocks.  She even set up a projector screen to watch "Weeds" on.  Thanks for getting me hooked on that show, Shannon!

03.13.10 Annual Panty Exchange

Yes, you read that right....annual panty exchange.  Every year, as part of our Christmas gift exchange, Angie, Shannon, and I exchange panties.  It is a very random, fun thing to exchange with your girlfriends.  We always laugh and come up with outrageous patterns for each other.  We've been exchanging these unmentionables for about four years now and I highly recommend it!

03.12.10 Two Sisters in a Car

Vanessa and I road tripped to Wichita this weekend.  This is a terrible photo of me, but this is us all nat-ur-al.  Are flaws are not photoshopped, the background is the inside of Vanessa's car, and my hair is flying away to outer space; but I love it.  I love it, because this was a purely in the moment shot.  The two of us have not road tripped together in years.  Once we arrived at our destination, 7-1/2 hours later, we went our separate ways; but it was great to spend so much time together with out all the normal distractions and just talk.  Love you Vanessa!

03.11.10 Un-Raking the Leaves

Jakob was feeling blue this evening with an ear infection and molars coming in.  We went outside for just a few minutes and he turned into the happy little boy I know him to be.  He loves the outdoors!  I was picking up leaves and letting them drop, so he started scooping up leaves from the raked up pile and dropping them by handfuls onto the sidewalk.  So funny.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

03.10.10 Climbing to the Roof

I have been traveling the past two days, back in California again.  Today we surveyed an existing hospital and used the ships ladder on the side of the building to the 3rd floor roof.  I will admit, it was a bit scary climbing up over the edge onto the roof!

03.09.10 Juan's Glasses

Today's photo is a photo by Juan. It is of his glasses and he wanted me to use it. Great photo Juan!

03.08.10 Happy Home

Tonight Juan and I spent the evening picking up our house and enjoying each other's company. We watched a movie and just enjoyed the evening. I thought this photo from our photography club outing this weekend suited the day perfectly. 

Photography Club Outing #2 - Waxahachie

Today Miriam, Juan and I went to Waxahachie for our second installment of our photography club. Waxahachie has an awesome scrapbook store that Miriam wanted to check out. We ate lunch at the 1879 Chisholm Grill Restaurant, a great little home cooking place on the square. While Miriam and I were in the scrapbook store, Juan toured around the square taking photos. Miriam and I joined up with him after our shopping jont and we laughed as we took headshots of each other.  Here are a few of my favorite shots from the day:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

03.07.10 Fearing's Anniversary Dinner

Juan and I went to Fearings for dinner to celebrate our 1st Anniversary early. My brother in law is a soliemene there and has recently taken a job at another restaurant in town. He has been at Fearings for about 2-1/2 years and we have not found time or an excuse to go. Thursday is his last day, so we made reservations for this evening. IT WAS FABULOUS!!!! Jeff paired the amazing food with even more amazing wine. Juan and I both thought it was the best meal of our lives. We had an absolute blast and regret strongly that we have not partaken of this restaurant before tonight. It was PERFECT for our 1st Anniversary Dinner. THANKS JEFF!!!!! YOU ROCK!

03.06.10 Alfonso's 75th Birthday

This evening we went to a mexican restaurant in Arlington to celebrate Juan's father's 75th Birthday with about 30 family and friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALFONSO!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jakob Videos at Japanese Gardens

Jakob was so cute at the Japanese Gardens last weekend.  I thought if we took a blanket out to the grassy knoll Jakob would take a was quickly obvious that he was too interested in everything else going on.  Check out the video link to see his cuteness.  To Nap or not to Nap?   

Jakob has learned to pick up everything he finds on the floor or ground and give it to an adult.  He especially loves doing this with leaves, sticks, acorns, rocks, etc.  Juan shot a short video of this.  Jakob and the Gardens

In this last video, Tio Juan sets Jakob on top of the tree stump.  Although not really a tall stump, Jakob is smart enough to know he can't just step off of it.  Of course I wanted to pick him up right away, but Juan was letting Jakob work out his problem solving skills.... right Juan?  It is funny and afterwards he did go right back to the stump. 

03.05.10 Stamp Pad Holder

One thing I love in my scrapbook room is my stamp pad holder.  This is an old wooden cassette holder that I spray painted white. My Close To My Heart stamp pads fit perfectly in the slots.  I love seeing the rainbow of colors and having a quick reference of all the colors available.  I stole this idea from my friend Angie....thanks Angie!