
Friday, March 19, 2010

03.14.10 Crazy Scrappers

Shannon is going to kill me for posting this picture...but it epitomizes our scrapbooking makeup...jammies.....t-shirts.....tables piled high with scrapbooking supplies....pages partially complete..... and all of us sharing tables.  You can't see much of Shannon's scrapbook room, but it rocks.  She even set up a projector screen to watch "Weeds" on.  Thanks for getting me hooked on that show, Shannon!


  1. Yes, you suck....I'm looking through my pictures right now to see which ones of you I can post on Facebook..l...

  2. Shannon's going to kill you?! Shannon looks fine... I look like a huge, fat, red-faced little piggie-pie!!! You should have at least told me to sit up straight!


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