
Saturday, January 23, 2010

01.23.10 Dallas Aquarium

It rained all afternoon, so our planned excursion with Vanessa and Jakob to the Arboretum turned into a trip to the Dallas Aquarium. If Jakob had his way, we would have ran from start to finish in about 20 minutes. He was not as interested in the animals as he was in walking as fast as he could up and down the path, completely oblivious to the people. He is one independent kid! He did not want to be hung on to, nor did he look around for us or his mother. We spent most of the time chasing him around, and man is he fast. He was interested in all of the other little ones running around, and tried to make friends with a couple. We had a good time, but we were all ready for a nap on the way home. Jakob was thrilled to have Tio Juan sitting in the backseat with him and managed to stay awake the entire trip.

Before heading out to the Aquarium, Vanessa realized she forgot the diaper bag and had to run home to get it. Juan and I entertained Jakob while she was away...or rather he entertained us. Juan dumped about a hundred marbles on the coffee table and Jakob just stood in awe as they all rolled off the table.  After a couple of times, Jakob decided he would help the marbles get off the table..there were marbles everywhere!  Check out the video link.      Watch Jakob Attack the Marbles

1 comment:

  1. He also managed to not take a nap at home. Lame. And the inflatable dragonfly, was actually a grasshopper. I think it kind of freaks him out...! =)


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