
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

11.29.08 Picking a Tree

We searched everywhere for a tree this year. We found the perfect little one at a tree lot in Richardson; but when we went back they said it was $15 per foot. Even at 5' we were looking at $75! We said no way and chugged on to Lowe's but all of theirs were way too big. A second tree lot offered some smaller trees but were still in the $60 range. Then we headed to Home Depot. We had to wait about 20 minutes for them to open their tree area, but there were two small trees left and they were $27.95! The tree we picked still looked big. We were planning to put it in our tiny corner in the living room, so it needed to be narrow. I didn't realize quite how small and sad it was until we left Home Depot and Juan held the tree over his head on the way to the car. We brought it home anyway and decorated with our little ornaments. Juan referred to it as our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree all season. We even bought a Charlie Brown snow globe this year to add to our yearly collection of snow globes. We did get the tree and the inside of the house decorated, but we never did get the lights up on the house this season, maybe next year.

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