
Monday, November 30, 2015

2015 Visiting Santa


I took Maddie to visit Santa at Northpark today. I went first thing this morning and got us a ticket and then took her back after school at about 2:45pm. She was sitting on Santa's lap by 3:00pm! They said Cyber Monday and Tuesday are the slowest days of the entire season. Maddie told Santa that she wanted The Littlest Petshop and a Toy Candle. That's the first I've heard of a toy candle, LOL! See the video below.

I hope your Joyous Holiday Season has started off Fabulous!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Project Life - Week 36

Welcome to Project Life 2015! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 3 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins.

I am using a digital kit on Shutterfly. This digital version is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly - Project Life Turquoise Edition HERE and my 2013 album using the Shutterfly - Project Life Childhood - Mayfield Edition HERE I will hopefully be posting my 2014 pages soon.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week) - 

Thursday - Another day of Pirate's practice. Coach Juan had the girls run and run and run. Then he had them run chase drills. One girl took off running around the cones and the second was supposed to catch her. Maddie did pretty good and managed to catch Allison. The girls love their water breaks. It is very cute to watch them all hang out at the light pole and drink their water.

Saturday - Today Nana came over to help prep work for Maddie's party. We finished the vests, made party hats for the dinosaurs, and hung the dinoculars. This evening I finally hung Maddie's owl, turtle and butterfly. We've had it for over two years and decided it was time. 

Sunday - More prepping today for Maddie's party. Nana helped get the mantle decorated, the tails hung, and the vests all set up. We are very close to ready! Maddie is very excited. 

Tuesday - Maddie's first day of school in the 3's class at Ascension. She is in Mrs. Miriam's class. It's not new for her as she was in Mrs. Miriam's class two days a week last year. She is going Monday - Thursday from 9am-2pm. Maria takes her to school and picks her up. She is excited that her best friend Sloan is in her class three days a week. There are 10 kids in her Monday class and 12 the rest of the week. This evening Juan, Adam and I went to the Argentina versus Mexico game at the AT&T Stadium. I bought Juan tickets for Father's Day. We left 3 hours before the game started and barely made it before the game started. Messi was playing and it was awesome to watch. The game didn't start until 9:30pm. 10 minutes before the end of the game it was 2-0 Mexico. We did not want to be stuck in another 3 hours of traffic with Work the following day, so we left. Unfortunately, Argentina tied it up in those 10 minutes and Messi scored one of the goals. We were so sad to learn that we missed it, but we did have a great time.

Wednesday - Maddie received a present today from Grandpa and Grandma Dragoo. It was earrings, a necklace and a little coin purse. She is obsessed with jewelry right now and loved her little necklace. 

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Project Life - Week 35

Welcome to Project Life 2015! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to 3 year old Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins.

I am using a digital kit on Shutterfly. This digital version is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 using the Shutterfly - Project Life Turquoise Edition HERE and my 2013 album using the Shutterfly - Project Life Childhood - Mayfield Edition HERE I will hopefully be posting my 2014 pages soon.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week) - 

Thursday - Day 11 of our Washington vacation. So sad to leave this beautiful state. I believe we will be back on day. We had an amazing time and will never forget it.

Friday - Today we had to get me a new phone since I lost mine on the mountain somewhere at Mt. Ranier. While at Verizon, Daddy convinced me to get Daddy a Gizmo Pal. It is a phone that she wears like a watch. She can only call two pre-programmed numbers - mine and Daddy's. It can receive calls from four numbers, including Nana and Abuelita. It also has a GPS so we can track her location if she gets lost. Today was also Maddie's soccer team, the Pirate's, first practice. We had to go get her cleats, her soccer jersey, shorts, knee pads, and socks. Daddy is coaching and the first practice was a lot of mayhem. From left to right: Karolina Haas, Allison Raggio, Madalynne Navarro, Sloan Patterson, Elizabeth Meyer, Avery Perez, Madeline Hunt, Berkley Brown, and Sophia Bates. Coach Juan tried to get the girls to run to the cones in the direction he indicated with his arms; but they struggled and usually just started running whichever direction the girl in front ran. Most of them just wanted to kick the ball. He didn't even let them have a ball until about 15 minutes before practice was over. Definitely not sure how their first game tomorrow will go. Sophia cried the entire practice. She tried to do everything Coach Juan asked her to, but cried the entire time. 

Saturday - Today was the Pirate's 1st Soccer game - against the Bluebonnets. It was pretty hilarious to watch. They split our 9 girls into 2 teams, so Coach Juan wasn't even coaching Maddie's team. Half the girls were crying and not playing, so Maddie was on a team with two other girls. They definitely did not understand which was their goal and just scored on anything in front of them. Maddie scored about three in their goal and two in our goal. They also didn't know how to stop or turn the ball and often ran past the goal and just kept on going. Sophia played on the "other" team and cried the entire game. They switched up the teams and Maddie saw a couple of girls from the Bluebonnets playing with the flag and decided she needed to stop them. Overall it was a good first game.

Sunday - Today was Ryan's 5th birthday and it was a swimming party. Maddie loves to swim now, although she doesn't like to be in the deep end. Daddy helped her with a floaty. Happy Birthday Ryan.

Monday - Maddie has a new class and a new coach at ASI. She is excited to be learning to do a cartwheel, but we are not super excited about her new coach. She seems to not let Maddie participate with the rest of the class. When they are on the trampoline, they limit to 2 trampolines and there are usually 5 in the class, Coach Alyssa. Maddie is always the 3rd and doesn't get to participate in an entire set. The coach is also not really helping her to understand the new set. We are trying to give her a chance and I don't want to be a helicopter mom, but Maddie needs the opportunity to try and learn or it is not worth our time and money. Hopefully, it will get better. 

Tuesday - Today Vanessa dedicated the kiddos at her church. Mom, Maddie, and I attended the ceremony. Jakob and Ashlyn both went on stage and spoke with the preacher. Maddie was very upset that she couldn't go on-stage as well and cried the entire time. My sweet niece and nephew, may you live in God's image and may your heart become full in your knowledge that He loves you.

Thanks for visiting!