
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Project Life - Week 19

Sunday - Today we gave Maddie yogurt for the first time. She seemed to like it, just like everything else. I also gave her puffs, which she checked out very intently and then ate right up. In fact, for the last one she stuck the entire thing in her mouth and then sort of choked.

Monday - Today Maria gave Maddie wagon wheel puffs and said she shoved the entire thing in her mouth and choked, so she didn't want to give them to her anymore. I told her to give her the little ones and she said ok. We also gave Maddie mango for the first time today. She loved it, just like all the other fruit.

Tuesday - This morning Maddie waved for the first time. I was getting ready to walk out the door to head off to work and Maria was holding Maddie. I told her goodbye, but then decided I wanted a hug and took her from Maria's arms. Maddie instantly turned to Maria, Maria said, "Bye Bye Maddie" and waved. Maddie then smiled and waved back, like she was determined to got to work with Mama! Soo cute. She wasn't too happy when I handed her back to Maria, but they followed me outside and said goodbye without any tears. This evening when I arrived home from work, Maddie was still crawling all over. Maria said she had napped for an hour and a half, but she was still very tired. All that crawling is hard work, and Maria said she explored from one side of the house to the other. I was feeding her dinner at 4pm, we had just finished the broccoli and I turned to get the new potatoes and when I turned back around, she was sound asleep, poor little thing. I still read books to Maddie almost everyday, only now she crawls around and tries to eat them while I am reading them. Today was Adam's 29th birthday so we had an impromptu barbeque. Juan took the grill in the front and it was a bit disturbing for me.

Wednesday - Maddie has started taking steps, not alone of course; but if you hold her she tries to walk. She lifts each leg really high like a horse, silly girl! Today I tried to feed Maddie new potatoes again and she continually choked and seemed to gag. I don't think they were cooked enough and the have too many chunks. I gave up and threw all of the potatoes and the chicken away. I am just not comfortable taking any chances with her choking, especially when she is such a good eater. I also tried to give her cottage cheese today and had the same reaction. I think the large curds were just too much for her. Instead I gave her a chunk of cheddar cheese and she snarfed that right down with no problem. She LOVES cheese!

Thursday - Last night Maddie refused to go to sleep and fell down twice in her crib and hit her head. She finally fell asleep at about 8:30pm. She slept fine during the night, woke up happy, ate breakfast and played like normal. At about noon Maria called to say she had been crying non-stop for over an hour and she wouldn't eat at all. I went home to check on her and she was asleep, but then was non-responsive when I picked her up. She finally awoke and was then unconsolable with me as well. I called the doctor, concerned that it was her head, she did have a bump; and they said to bring her in. Dr. Hubbard was not available so we saw Dr. Prestige. By this time it was almost 2pm and she still was not acting herself at all, and was very listless. The doctor said he couldn't see any reason she would be this unhappy. We checked to see if she was teething and couldn't see or feel any new buds. He then sent us to the ER at Children's Medical Center. He said more than likely a scan would come back negative, but we should just make sure. We then spent the next 3 hours in the ER. By the time we were checked into a room and the doctor arrived, Maddie was much more herself and smiling and trying to desperately crawl off the bed. The doctor checked her skull and said that he really didn't recommend a scan as she was so young and she wasn't vomitting, hadn't lost conscienceness, and was not acting herself. So $120 and 5 hours later we were at home, back where we started; but I am just glad she is ok and there was nothing seriously wrong with her. They also weighed her and she was 23 lbs 4 oz.

Friday - We had lunch with Siobhan today at Birsch Beers and had a great time. It was so good to see her! We were notified that the Summer Glen home owners were going to be able to close by the 24th of May in lieu of the 31st and asked if we wanted to move up the closing date. Crazy, we could have a new house in just 2 short weeks! Typical schedule for Maddie right now, breakfast - 1/4c iron fortified cereal or oatmeal, 1/2 container of yogurt, 1/3 a banana; lunch - (2)2oz servings of vegtables and puffs; dinner - (2)oz fruit, (2) oz vegtables, piece of cheddar cheese, 1/2 slice toast. Formula - 25-28 oz throughout the day. Also today, Maddie managed to work her way, standing, around the end of the coffee table trunk. She was trying to get to Juan's glasses and my iPad at the other side and managed to move her feet enough to do it! She is going to be walking so soon I can't believe it.

Saturday - This morning we headed off to Central Market to get Maddie some more food. I am determined to make her meat, chicken and tenderloin. We stopped for breakfast at Rusty Tacos and gave Maddie scrambled eggs for the first time. I don't think she was very hungry, although she did eat a few bites. We also gave her edamame for the first time today. I spent the afternoon making her new baby foods: eggplant, new potatoes (again....this time they turned out), beef tenderloin with apples and sweet potatoes, and all of the regular stuff as well. This kid eats like a queen!

Project Life - Week 18

Sunday - We took Maddie to church and left her in the nursery for the first time today. She did great although when we arrived back after we discovered her eating cheerios, something we have decided not to give her yet due to the sugar content. She didn't cry at all though and seemed to have done wonderfully.

Monday - Yesterday Juan and Maddie went to Central Market while I was working. They came home with an early Mother's Day present for me from Maddie, tulips! How sweet are my two sweeties?

Tuesday - Today we officially closed on Juan's house!!!! What a relief. We even came out of it with $6799.26 minus the plumbing $205, the roofing $354.77, the AC fixes $250, $100 yard work, 10% to the church $680 we came out at $5,209.49. At least we weren't negative!

Wednesday - Maddie has just about figured how to pull herself up into a standing position. She LOVES standing, and if you stand her up next to something, she will stand there forever. She has figured out how to play with her sit and stand if we get her into the standing position.

Thursday - Maria said that Maddie pulled up into a standing position at her monkey sit and stand today. I tried all afternoon to get her to do it again, but no luck. This evening, Maddie refused to let us put clothes back on her. I walked into her room to find her in this state and Juan sitting on the floor next her. She was just happy as a clam.

Friday - Today Maddie decided to stand on her own. I managed to film it all. She crawled all over the place and got to the stairs and was desperately trying to determinte how to get on her feet. Pretty soon, she figured it out. She also crawled straight the mirror and proceeded to bang her head into it over an over. She got stuck under her highchair and pretty soon figured out how to get out.

Saturday - This morning I put Maddie in her crib, turned around to pick up a few things and turned back around to see her STANDING at the edge of her crib. I layed her back down and rushed into the other room to grab something and quickly returned to see her standing again! It appears she has figured how to quickly get to her feet. We had to lower her crib to the lowest level this evening. I was terribly afraid she would stand up in the night and fall out of her crib. Juan had a management class at work, so we went to the "dump" with Mom. I also took Maddie to the grocery store this morning for the first time by myself. She did great. I did break down and get her a ton of differnt puffs. I really don't like all the sodium and preservatives in them, but she really needs some sort of finger foods. I also got her baby yogurt to start her on.

Project Life - Week 17

Sunday - Maddie officially crawled today, well sort of. She has figured out how to rock until she gets up enough momentum to pull both her legs forward and then sort of lunges with her arms. She can get from one side of the room to the other. It won't be long soon. She really gets motivated to move when you put an I-phone out infront of her. She is also officially in size 4 diapers. She is growing SO fast! Juan took her to Central Market today and she came home happy with a balloon.

Tuesday - Today I gave Maddie mandarin oranges for the first time. She seemed to like them, although she squished them up quite a bit.

Wednesday - Today Maddie figured out how to make both her arms and her legs work together. She crawled all the way across the room to me. She was so proud of herself. I even managed to video this amazing first. No more scooting/pulling, she is on the road to independance.

Thursday - We saw a house that we are going to make an offer on. It is in the Moss Park neighborhood that we have been looking in. Our realtor heard this house was going on the market before it was listed with MLS, so we were able to be the first to see it. The floor plan is perfect, it is really move in ready and has a great yard. We doubt they will accept our offer, but we are going to give it a shot. I spent the entire night getting all of our paperwork in order to send to our loan officer to see if we can even qualify for our offer without Chimneysweep being sold.

Friday - They accepted our offer today. We qualified for the loan, made an offer and they accepted. No negotiations, other than moving the closing date from June 15th to May 31st. Good grief that is only a month away! Now we just need to get the inspection done.

Saturday - Today we took Maddie to Ellie's 3rd birthday party at Bob Jones nature center. She likes watching all of the little ones. She even went on the nature walk. We also had her 7 months pictures taken today. She looked so cute!

Project Life - Week 16

Sunday - Maddie turned 7 months old today. She is now bigger than her elefant. She loves books and constantly looks at them.

Monday - Miriam came to visit today. She brought some new form of cheap camera and Maddie thought it was extremely interesting. She is definitely going to be a photographer.

Wednesday - Maddie LOVES her jumpy jump. She loves trying to reach out and grab things while she is jumping. It's a big game to her. She gets such great excercise out of it.

Friday - This evening we went to Gracie's parents 50th Wedding vow renewal reception. Maddie did great, but she really wanted to eat off of our plates and there wasn't much we could give her. I gave her a piece of lettuce and she chewed on it forever and never could swallow it. I ended up taking it out of her mouth. Some friends of Gracie's sat with us at our table and gave Maddie lemons for the first time. She made funny faces, but seemed to enjoy it until she rubbed her eyes.

Saturday - Juan took Maddie to his mother's and let her play with Sole and Aram. He also took her to the park and let her swing for the first time. He said she loved it and laughed everytime she swung toward him. We also took Maddie to the Pancake House for breakfast. Maddie loved the pancakes and bananas. She ate the entire time we were there.

Project Life - Week 15

Sunday - Juan moved Maddie's jump a jump off the beam in the living room, because I didn't feel it was safe. She really wanted to jump in it and kept looking longingly at it. We moved it to the stairs and it was too high for her to reach the floor so we put a big box under it and she went to town jumping. She absolutely loved it! She also loved that she could spin and see herself in the mirror. She LOVES the mirror! We went to Mom's house for Easter and had a fun time. Nana gave Maddie an Easter basket and she loved it.

Monday - I gave Maddie Spinach for the first time today. She ate it, seemed to think it was ok. It is not one of her favorites, but she did eat it all.

Wednesday - Today I took off work to spend the day with Maddie and Mom. We took Maddie to a field of bluebonnets. Juan was worried she would get eaten by bugs and snakes, but I told him he was being silly. She loved the blue bonnets, and the grass for that matter, but wanted to eat them. She is fast too, so we had to be very diligent.

Friday - Juan fed Maddie Spinach for the first time today. He managed to get her to eat most of it. Then he gave her watermelon for the first time. She really liked it. I don't know if she likes it or just likes to feed herself, but she seemed to enjoy it thoroughly!

Saturday - Maddie is getting really good at standing in one position. Today, Juan stood her up at the coffee table and then let her go and she managed to stay standing for a few seconds alone. We took Maddie swimming for the first time today. It was Blake's 6th birthday party at the indoor swimming pool in Plano. He and his cousin celebrated joint birthdays. They had pizza, fruit and cake. The kids all had a great time. Maddie had a blast and wasn't scared of the water at all. She was very interested in the other little girls playing in the pool and wanted to make friends. We also gave her canteloupe for the first time. She loved it. She is going to be a fruit lover like her father.