
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project Life - Week 8

Welcome to Project Life 2012! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay a while. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to new baby Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital Cobalt kit, find it at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 at

Each Monday/Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and Project 366 Rewind is hosted by Sarah at Naptime Momtog and Gina at Chic Homeschool Mama. They both host a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the buttons at the bottom of this post.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Sunday - Today we fed Maddie cereal for the first time. She did AMAZING and managed to eat about 1 tablespoon. She tried to suck on the spoon a bit and she wasn't quite sure what to do with her tongue, she wanted to put it on top of the spoon; but for her first time, she did great. We used Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain - Multi-Grain cereal. I followed the directions on the box and mixed it with formula, but it seemed too runny so I think I will put in less formula tomorrow.

Monday - Cereal again for Maddie today. We feeding her solids at about 3-3:30pm each day. I know they recommend feeding in the morning so you can see if they have any sort of allergic reaction; but with us leaving at 6am in the mornings, that just doesn't work out for us. Since she is only eating solids once a day, I feed her when I get home, after her afternoon bottle and then we still have 3 hours or so to see if she has a reaction. So far it's worked out well for us. Today we gave her water in a cup for the first time. She immediately figured it out. We had to help her not dump it all over herself and she sort of flung the cup sending water everywhere; but she REALLY liked using the cup and managed it fairly well for the first time.

Tuesday - We haven't taken Maddie's high chair out of storage yet, so for now we have been feeding her on the kitchen table in her bumbo. She already gets excited when we put her in it. She knows it's time to eat. She is really taking to solid food and opens her mouth when I put the spoon up to it.

Wednesday - Maddie is now very proficient at rolling from her back to her front, always rolling right; but she hasn't rolled from her front to her back yet. She gets close and can do it with help. I don't think it will be too much longer. She loves books, especially the soft books she can get in her mouth. She is also totally in love with her Jump-A-Roo. Everytime she makes one of the animals sing a song she smiles and looks to us for approval.  What a great investment.

Thursday - Nana came over this afternoon to babysit while Juan and I went to meet the realators to discuss putting his house on the market. Today was also the first day that we gave Maddie a vegtable - Squash! I used the babycook last night to make her carrotts. Since it was the first time I had used the Babycook, it had to run through 3 cycles to sterilize, then I had to wash and cut the carrots and cook them. Then I started working and was so exhausted that I fell asleep and completely forgot about the carrots. I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered they were still sitting in the babycook.  I threw them out and this morning made squash instead, before I went to work.

Friday - Maddie LOVES squash! I thought she liked the cereal; but the squash she literally has convulsions for. She inhales it and opens her mouth before I can even refill the spoon. I don't know if it's because it has so much more flavor then the cereal or because it is sweet. I hope she likes everything we give her as much as she does this first veggie.

Saturday - We finally bit the bullet and traded in my Honda Civic for something that a car seat fits in a little better. This is my new Honda CR-V in Twilight Blue Metallic.  It's nice to be sitting a little bit higher and it is DEFINITELY easier to get Maddie and her stroller in and out! Oh yeah and Maddie finally rolled from her front to her back today! She was SOOO proud of herself.

That's it for the week! Thanks for visiting me! Come back next week to see more of Maddie, LOL!

I am submitting my favorite picture of Feb. for the Project 2012 366 Rewind over at Naptime Momtog and Chic Homeschool Mama. My favorite picture for the month of February is the following:

Naptime Momtog

The Mom Creative

Monday, February 20, 2012

Project Life 2012 - Week 7

The Mom Creative

Naptime MomtogWelcome to Project Life 2012! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to new baby Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital Cobalt kit, find it at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 at

Each Monday/Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and Project 366 Rewind is hosted by Sarah at Naptime Momtog and Gina at Chic Homeschool Mama. They both host a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the buttons at the top of this post.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Sunday - Today was Mom's 60th birthday. Vanessa and I gathered 60 "memories" from all the people who have known her throughout her 60 years.  We put them into individual envelopes and tied them together with a ribbon.  To be honest, Vanessa did most of the work. Ashlyn and Maddie are starting to notice each other. I'm not sure if Ashlyn was more interest in Maddie or Tio Juan.
Monday - Miriam was finally well enough to come visit. A little late for Christmas presents, but it was still great to see her. She brought Maddie a Valentine's Day onsie and butterfly wings.
Tuesday - My Valentine! Maddie in her butterfly wings was my Valentine's Day present. I love this girl so much!
Wednesday - Maddie turned 5 months old today. Where has the time gone? She is almost bigger than her elephant. She is just the sweetest little thing.  She refuses to smile when the camera is out.
Thursday - I was a bit disappointed that Juan didn't even get me a card for Valentine's Day, so I told him. Today he went to Central Market and bought me a single Hydrangea and some creme soda (something I have been craving for the past few weeks). Very sweet of him.
Friday - I bought Angel wings for Maddie to have a Valentine's Day photo shoot, but they didn't get her in time so we had our photo shoot today, a little late. She was so content to just lay on her tummy and look around.  She LOVES being naked, so she was very cooperative.
Saturday - Maddie has spent a lot of time in her Jump-A-Roo, but there isn't a whole lot to learn on it, so we bought her a second one today.  This one is much smaller but has 12 different activities. The animals make sounds and it plays music when she completes one of the activities, i.e. turn the duckies or spin the horse. She was a little hesitant at first, but then she immediately figured out a couple of the activities and everytime she makes the music play she smiles a huge smile and looks to us for approval. She REALLY seems to like it.
Thanks for visiting this week.  Leave me a comment if you visit, I would love to return the visit!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Measuring Up - Sketch Support & CI Paints Challenge

Crazy weekend! I tried ALL weekend to scrap and only finished one 2-page layout! This one used the Sketch Support 2-page sketch #25 and the Creative Inspirations Paint Weekly challenge - Inspired by Polka Dots.  This layout is Maddie at 27 days, still so skinny but growing longer everyday.

Here is my layout:

Go here to see the sketch used, #25.

Here are a couple of detailed photos:

Materials Used: paper - Prima Marketing Jack n' Jill Collection & misc. stash paper; border strips - K&Company; butterflies - jenni bwlin studio; fabric yo-yos - On the Dot; twine - Sew easy fancy floss neutral; cricut - street sign & lyrical letters; stickles - distressed scattered straw.

Thanks for visiting!

Maddie Blowing Bubbles & Rolling Over

Here is a funny video of Maddie at 5 months demonstrating her latest skills..... mimicing an elephant by blowing bubbles with her mouth and rolling over.  Pretty funny!

Video Here

Monday, February 13, 2012

Uniquely You - MME Blog Challenge #32

I very RARELY do single page layouts, but I came across the MME blog challenge and had the two perfect photos.  Also, I am a MME hoarder, so I have plenty of MME product. LOL! I also have PLENTY of photos of Maddie!

Here is my layout:

The challenge was to:
•Use the theme “YOU”.

•Use this month’s sketch by Anam Stubbington as your starting point.
•Use 80% My Mind’s Eye products.

Here was the sketch:

I mirrored the sketch as I really wanted to use the Every Day paper for my background. 

Here are a couple of detail shots:

Materials Used:  paper, label sticker, layered chipboard, and brads - MME Lost & Found Too; stamp - CTMH Extreme Caps; ink - black CTMH; flowers - Prima; ribbon - unknown; letter stickers - Making Memories.

Thanks so much for visiting.  If you want to play along, check out the MME blog here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project Life 2012 - Week 6

Welcome to Project Life 2012! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to new baby Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital Cobalt kit, find it at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 at

Each Monday/Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and Project 366 Rewind is hosted by Sarah at Naptime Momtog and Gina at Chic Homeschool Mama. They both host a linky for readers to link up their pictures. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the buttons at the top of this post.

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Sunday - Maddie is just about to roll over on her own. She only needs a teeny tiny push to make it right now.  I think she is going to roll from back to front first. She has also discovered that she loves this little plastic fish. She can easily grab onto the rings and usually can manage to get it to her mouth.

Monday - Daddy decided to play Maddie Cri Cri Mexican music.  She seemed to like it so Daddy has been singing it to her ever since.

Tuesday - Maddie has really became profficient at holding objects and mostly getting them to her mouth. Her little fingers still amaze me!

Wednesday - Maddie hasn't figured out how to jump in her jump-a-roo, but she has figured out how to spin the froggy.  Look at that concentration. Everytime she would spin it, it seemed to surprise her.

Thursday - Diapers, formula and wipes....$260 and we'll be lucky if that lasts us the month. On a brighter note, Maria said Maddie rolled over from her back to her tummy 3 times today. I spent hours this afternoon trying to get her to do it again and she came close, but no luck!

Friday - Maddie rolled over for Daddy today. I missed it by 3 minutes! Then we tried to get her to do it again and Juan and I were talking about the Mylar balloon that is still gracing our ceiling and we completely missed her rolling over AGAIN! I think shes got it down.  Now if she can just figure out how to roll back. This photo cracks me up, she loves to eat the butterfly's tentacles. So strange.

Saturday - Today Juan had a photography gig to take bridal portraits, so Maddie and I went shopping with Mom. We pretty much spent the day with her and then Juan met us in the afternoon to take her to dinner to celebrate her birthday tomorrow. We ended up at Outback Steakhouse. Maddie was a peach the entire day.

Thanks for visiting this week and a special thanks to those of you who leave a comment. They mean SOO much to me!

Naptime Momtog

Saturday, February 11, 2012

$2 Valentine's Day Dinner

This weekend, you can get most $25 Gift Certificates for only $2! Just use code “SWEETIE” at checkout now thru 2/14!

These gift certificates would be a great way to go out to eat CHEAP for Valentine’s Day. Go search your area and see what is available. I love

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I have received the Liebster Blog Award....

The word Liebster is German meaning ‘favorite’ or ‘dearest’. I have been chosen for this award by my dear friend Beth: Beth is just the sweetest person. She is one of my scrappin/bloggin friends over at Let's Scrap. She always has the nicest things to say about everyones work and recently inspired me to complete a LOAD (LayOut A Day) in January. Thank you Beth.
In accepting the award, the recipient agrees to:

• Thank the person who gave the award and link back to their blog (I just did that!)
• Copy and paste the award to your blog (done!)
• Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award this honor and why, and then let those bloggers know they have been chosen by commenting on their blogs.
• Hope they pay it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honor.

Now I just need to choose 5 blogs that I love and think deserve a bit more TLC and definitely a visit from you. The hardest part is to only choose 5! The only limiting factor for the award is that the blog must have fewer than 200 followers. Here are the blogs that I would like to award the Liebster Award:

Shelly has had a rough year and I always love how positive and inspiring her blog posts are. She also creates the most adorable cards and scrapbook pages.

Angie is a great friend who doesn't post often, but when she does, I adore everything she creates!

Susan inspires me with her beautiful photos for her Project Life album and her posts are amazingly sweet of her large family. I am constantly in awe of her!

Deb posts lots of super cute craftiness!

Astrid creates the most lovely layouts and finds the most amazing sketches and challenges from all over blog land. I will freely admit that I love following her to find out/and scraplift all the great sketch challenges.

Please take a minute to visit their blogs and check out thier work.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project Life 2012 - Week 5

Naptime Momtog

Welcome to Project Life 2012! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you will stay awhile. I'm Jessica, wife to Juan, mommy to new baby Maddie. I am also an electrical engineer by day and I am participating in Project Life, a different way to record our lives by taking one photo a day. This was inspired by the fabulous Becky Higgins who has put together a wonderful kit to make this challenge easier.

I am using the digital Cobalt kit, find it at This digital version uses Shutterfly and is SUPER easy to use! See my completed pages for 2012 at

Each Monday/Tuesday, I will post my pictures/journaling from the previous week. Project Life Tuesday was created by Jessica Turner over at The Mom Creative and she hosts a linky for readers to link up their pictures. Project 366 Rewind is hosted by Sarah at Naptime Momtog and Gina at Chic Homeschool Mama, and they also host a linky for readers to link up. So if you want to join in or want to see others POTW, just click the buttons at the top of this post.

Before I post my pictures this week, I wanted to post my finished layouts for January:

And finally, my POTW (pictures of the week):

Sunday - Grandpa Navarro came to visit. Maddie was a little reluctant to go to him at first.  He needs to visit more!

Monday - Maddie can almost get the ring into her mouth. When she can't quite manage it, she just licks it instead.

Tuesday - Maddie and Daddy waiting for me to come back inside.

Wednesday - Things I love right now...little tiny shoes and the little tiny feet that go in them!

Thursday - Travelling today for work to Kansas City. This is the first time I've flown since Maddie was born. Still flight delays, full flights and annoying flight attendants. 16-1/2 hour day by the time I arrived home at 11pm. YUCK!

Friday - Maddie is really trying to hold her bottle. Unfortunately when she does, it falls out of her mouth. She usually grips it around the nipple and pulls it out more than she helps to keep it in.

Also, Aunt Vanessa visited this afternoon. Maddie was a bit leary at first, but was smiling and even laughing at her before she left.

Saturday - We went to Nana's to put up her Elfa in her garage. Nana played with Maddie so everyone was happy.

Thanks for visiting this week!